Download IDM Terbaru Versi 6.25.b.18 Full Crack
IDM terbaru 6.25.b.18 Full Crack adalah IDM terbaru yang rilis tanggal 20 Mei 2016 ini dan dapat anda download di blog wahart.
Seperti kita tahu bahwa IDM ini merupakan software terbaik yag dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat download file di internet. File yang dapat di download menggunakan IDM terbaru ini bisa berbagai jenis file seperti video, audio, games dan juga file software lainnya.
Anda yang senang dengan mendownload video dari youtube juga kini dapat dengan mudah mendownload video kesenangan anda dari youtube menggunakan software IDM ini.
Untuk mengaktifkan IDM ini anda dapat menggunakan patch IDM terbaru yang sudah kami sertakan di dalamnya. Untuk cara penggunaan patch silakan anda lihat cara berikut in.
Apa yang baru di Versi 6.25.b.18 Full Crack
( Rilis : 20 Mei 2016 )
Seperti kita tahu bahwa IDM ini merupakan software terbaik yag dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat download file di internet. File yang dapat di download menggunakan IDM terbaru ini bisa berbagai jenis file seperti video, audio, games dan juga file software lainnya.
Anda yang senang dengan mendownload video dari youtube juga kini dapat dengan mudah mendownload video kesenangan anda dari youtube menggunakan software IDM ini.
Untuk mengaktifkan IDM ini anda dapat menggunakan patch IDM terbaru yang sudah kami sertakan di dalamnya. Untuk cara penggunaan patch silakan anda lihat cara berikut in.
Apa yang baru di Versi 6.25.b.18 Full Crack
( Rilis : 20 Mei 2016 )
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 47
- Fixed bugs
- Improved Google Chrome integration module
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 46
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 45
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Added support for Firefox 44
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for new types of videos for several web streaming services
- Made a workaround and fixed compatibility problems of previous IDM version (6.25.5) with Kaspersky Internet security on Windows 10
- Improved video recognition in Google Chrome on Windows XP
- Added support for new types of videos for several web streaming services
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 43 and SeaMonkey 2.39, 2.40, 2.41
- Lowered CPU consumption
- Added support for new types of video streaming sites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with video downloading for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Improved IDM download engine
- Added support for SeaMonkey 2.38
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed the problem with repeating quality lines in video download panel
- Fixed the problem with erroneous video interceptions from web players
- Fixed the problem with keyboard focus in Google Chrome
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 42 and SeaMonkey 2.35
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with downloading from several file sharing sites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Added support for Firefox 41
- Resolved the problem with erroneous download interceptions of videos in Firefox
- Resolved the problem when “download this video” button was not displayed in Firefox
- Improved integration into Google Chrome
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with detection of some types of downloads in Firefox
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Microsoft Edge browser
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a bug in Firefox extension with multiple download dialogs
- Fixed the bug with text selection in Firefox extension
- Improved video recognition in Google Chrome
- Added support for Firefox 40
- Improved Google Chrome integration
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 39
- Improved video downloading for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with erroneous interceptions of Firefox internal downloads
- Improved Google Chrome integration
- Added support for Firefox 38
- Fixed compatibility problems of Google Chrome extension with Kaspersky Internet Security
- Fixed a critical bug in IDM network driver
- Fixed compatibility problems with antiviral and internet security software
- Improved taking over downloads of videos from web players in Google Chrome
- Added a feature to change video resolution for rtmp protocol
- Added support for SeaMonkey 2.33
- Fixed problems with video/audio recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed compatibility problems of Google Chrome extension with several applications
- Fixed bugs in Chrome integration module
- Added support for Firefox 37
- Added support for Google Chrome 42
- Added support for new types of video streaming sites
- Fixed bugs
Cara Instal IDM :
- Download IDM Terbaru Versi 6.25.b.18 Full Crack
- Selesai download, Ekstrak IDM dengan winrar nanti akan terdapat file seperti digambar.
- Matikan koneksi internet terlebih dahulu ( Wifi, Modem, dll ) supaya serial number tidak terblokir
- Instal IDMnya, pilih Next...
- Untuk melanjutkan proses instalasi pilih ( I accept the terms in the iconse agreement ), lalu tekan Next...
- Untuk menampilkan icon IDM pada desktop agan harus memilih ( create an icon for IDM on Desktop ), lalu tekan Next...
- Selanjut tekan Next...
- Tunggu instalasi IDM sampai selesai.
- Lalu tekan Finish
- Selesai instal IDM, langsung menuju folder Patch IDM, buka foldernya dan jalankan Patchnya
- Maka akan terlihat seperti tampilan di bawah ini, klik Tombol Patch > Isikan nama anda ( Bebas ) > Klik OK dan Close Patch IDM.
- Mudahkan !!! Selamat mencoba semoga berhasil, jika ada yang ditanayakan silakan di kolom commentar.
Download IDM Terbaru Versi 6.25.b.18 Full Crack
Reviewed by Widodo

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